Ean’s robust Midi Fighter Tornado mapping for Traktor Professional 4’s Stems + Trend Participant

Ean’s powerful Midi Fighter Twister mapping for Traktor Pro 4’s Stems + Pattern Player – DJ TechTools

Yes – Traktor Pro 4 came out earlier today. We wanted to do something special, so DJTT mapping guru Stevan and our founder Ean Golden teamed up to make a mapping for the Midi Fighter Twister. The thinking: make a mapping that allows simple and easy control over Stems and the Pattern player features in Traktor Pro 4.

Ean has made a demo video for everyone to check out the mapping here:

Control Traktor Pro 4's Stems + Pattern player with a Twister

Want to get this exact setup going? You’ll need a few things:

Have a great idea for a different MIDI mapping with Traktor Pro 4? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Dan White

Dan White

Dan White is the DJ TechTools managing editor. He’s been DJing for over ten years, starting on Virtual DJ, then Serato Scratch Live, then Traktor Pro, and then CDJs. He also promotes and is a resident DJ for San Francisco’s Zero Fucks. Have an awesome idea for an article? Hit him up.